Wedding or Baptism Invitations


Wedding or Baptism Invitations


Would you like to create a wedding invitation, pagela or baptism invitation? Can I help you!

How it works?

1 - Tell me about your event and send me some inspirations that you like;
2 - I prepare a proposal and show it to you;
3 - When the invitation is approved by you, I will send you the final files.

You will receive 3 files:

1 - Invitation in vector format (it is an editable invitation file);
2 - Invitation in PDF for the Graphics (with cut margins);
3 - Invitation in PDF to send by Email / Social Networks;
4 - And also all my support (in case you need help).

See the examples and talk to me if you have any questions :)

* The images and examples I show have changed names and dates.
** Mockups from

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