Bread Bait Recipe (Natural Yeast or Mother Dough)

15 | 05 | 2022
Bread Bait Recipe (Natural Yeast or Mother Dough)

I have to say that this recipe has changed my cooking life. Making bait is so, so easy. And there is nothing more wonderful than making our own bread! And it works beautifully ❤

I haven't bought bread for years. And whenever I go somewhere and try the "bakery" breads I feel that they don't taste the same, they have too much salt and certainly have other things besides flour, yeast and water. Just read the label, it's scary.

Therefore, making bread or cakes at home, in addition to being super economical , is delicious and healthier .

If you are interested, I created a poster explaining in detail how to make the wonderful bread.
It's my best selling poster
Check it out by clicking here.

Here is the illustrated recipe on how to make bait:

Here is the bread recipe on a beautiful poster: Check it out by clicking here.


If you have doubts about the bait, I created this page that takes your doubts: Take a look at it by clicking here.

Espreita a minha loja :)

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